Village Speeding Report

As part of Parish Council’s ongoing efforts to address concerns about speeding through the village, we commissioned a radar survey to collect data on traffic traveling through Tadmarton on the B4035.
The survey took place round the clock between Friday 23rd and Sunday 29th January and covered the road between The Lampet Arms and Wedale
A wealth of information was produced, if you would like the link to the full report please contact me, but the approximate results for traffic travelling in both directions were;
under 26mph - 42%
27-31mph - 42%
32-36mph - 13%
over 37mph - 3%
Whilst it is encouraging that the majority of motorists keep to or below the 30mph limit, there are still too many who do not, especially as many of those speeding do so in the peak hours, when children are crossing roads for school buses, people are walking their dogs and the roads are at their Government statistics tell us that the risk of death is approximately four times higher when a pedestrian is hit at 40mph than at 30mph and that fatal accidents are four times as likely on rural roads as urban roads.
I would like to set up a community speedwatch group to help tackle this problem, but this cannot be done without “boots on the ground”. If you are able to help please contact Steve Kingsford on 780558 or